NekoSauce helps you find an image’s original source. You can use it’s API to find these sources programatically.

Is it free?

NekoSauce is free to use, but you can help us cover server costs by becoming a donator. This project consumes a lot of server resources, so the rate limit is quite restrictive in the /search endpoint, which is a request every 10 seconds.


This is a hobby project made by non-proffesionals, so it’ll probably have bugs everywhere. It uses a lot of third-party libraries that are written in programming languages I don’t know about, so if you find a bug, please open an issue!


We’re always open to suggestions! You can say hi on our or send us an email to, we always read what is sent there :)


There aren’t any important projects that are using NekoSauce yet since this is a fairly new project. If you want to showcase a project you’ve made using NekoSauce here, you can open a PR at GitHub.



NekoSauce’s source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. You can check it out in our GitHub repository, but basically this is what it says:

Commercial useLiabilityLicense and copyright notice
ModificationWarrantyState changes
DistributionDisclose source
Patent useSame license
Private use
This is not legal advice!